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Vragen over specifieke enquêtes

Indien u specifieke vragen heeft over een enquête zelf, kunt u zich richten tot uw eigen domeinverantwoordelijke of tot één van de volgende contacten.

Domein Omschrijving Emailadres Telefoon
AML Anti-Money Laundering [email protected] n.a.
ART - CSP Cash SSP [email protected] n.a.
BBP Activities with foreign parties [email protected] +32 2 221 40 99
BB2 2011/2013 Guarantee agreement [email protected] n.a.
BB3 2021 Guarantee agreement [email protected] n.a.
BFP BeschermingsFonds [email protected] n.a.
CDZ Ziekenfonds [email protected] n.a.
CLO Collect Other Surveys [email protected] +32 2 221 40 99
CPA Datacollection for the Prudential Supervision of Insurance Companies [email protected] n.a.
CPT Prudentieel Toezicht    
Prudentieel Toezicht, categorie Banken [email protected] n.a.
Prudentieel Toezicht, categorie Verzekeringen [email protected] n.a.
CSD Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) [email protected] +32 2 221 48 66
DIV FDI-FATS-FOI Foreign Direct / Other investments [email protected] +32 2 221 40 99
ESA Structural survey insurance undertakings [email protected] n.a.
FAP Fit-and-Proper    
Fit-and-Proper, categorie Banken [email protected] +32 2 221 51 00
Fit-and-proper category Investment firms [email protected] +32 2 221 51 00
Fit-and-Proper, categorie Verzekeringen [email protected] n.a.
Fit-and-Proper, categorie ELMI/PI [email protected] n.a.
  • FAP-OTHER-(except ELMI/PI)
Fit-and-Proper, categorie OTHERS (except ELMI/PI) [email protected] n.a.
FPF Pensioenfondsen [email protected] n.a.
FVC Financial Vehicle Corporations [email protected] n.a.
GOV Beloning, categorie Ziekenfonds [email protected] n.a.
INS Insurance – Solvency II [email protected] n.a.
IPB Incident Payment Service Provider Banks [email protected] n.a.
IPP Incident Payment Service Provider Payment Institutions [email protected] n.a.
ITQ IT Risk Questionnaire [email protected] +32 2 221 48 66
MBS Monetaire en Bancaire Statistieken [email protected] n.a.
  • MIR
Interest-rate survey Reporting MIR [email protected] n.a.
MUN Beloning, categorie Banken [email protected] n.a.
NRA Resolution Authority Domain [email protected] n.a.
PRT Investment securities [email protected] n.a.
PST Betalingsstatistieken [email protected] n.a.
REM Beloning, categorie Verzekeringen [email protected] n.a.
REV Revisor [email protected] n.a.
SXX INTRASTAT Foreign Trade (goods) [email protected] +32 2 221 40 99
VAT BTW-eenheden [email protected] +32 2 221 40 99

Vragen over toegang en autorisaties

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Telefoon: +32 2 221 49 39
    • Telefoonpermanentie:
      • 9.00 - 12.00 uur, elke dag.
      • 13.30 - 16.00 uur, alleen op dinsdag en donderdag.