Collection of data on remuneration

4:121 Pursuant to Article 450 of Regulation No 575/2013, firms must disclose certain quantitative information on their remuneration policies and practices. The NBB uses the information so collected to benchmark remuneration trends and practices. Firms selected by the NBB for this purpose should report on an annual basis, pursuant to Circular NBB_2022_28.

4:122 Furthermore, pursuant to Article 22 of the Annex to the Brokerage Supervision Act, firms should provide the NBB with information on the number of natural persons within the firm that receive remuneration of at least €1 million per financial year, broken down into tranches of €1 million, along with information on their professional responsibilities, the area of activity concerned, and the primary components of their remuneration, including bonuses, long-term benefits and pension contributions. The reporting methods are specified in Circular NBB_2022_29.