New fit & proper forms for the banking sector

In line with Circular NBB_2018_25 on the suitability of directors, members of the management committee, responsible persons of independent control functions and senior managers of financial institutions, and with Communication NBB_2021_004 on the digitalisation of the fit and proper process, the National Bank of Belgium (hereinafter “the Bank”) informs financial institutions that two new fit & proper forms “New appointment” will soon be available:

  • A form entitled “SI” for credit institutions directly supervised by the European Central Bank (ECB), which will be available on the ECB’s IMAS portal as from 15 June 2022; and
  • A form entitled “LSI & Other” for credit institutions not subject to direct supervision by the ECB, stockbroking firms, (mixed) financial holding companies not subject to direct supervision by the ECB, payment institutions and electronic money institutions, custodian banks, Central Securities Depositories, institutions providing support to CSDs and Central Counterparties, which will be available on the Bank’s OneGate portal as from 15 July 2022.

From these two dates, targeted institutions will be required to fill in these new forms.

The new forms will be available on the ECB’s IMAS portal and the Bank’s OneGate portal, which are accessible via a link on the fit & proper page of the Bank’s website, along with a user guide.

Finally, concerning the ECB’s “SI” form, attention is drawn to the fact that this form is identical for all countries where the ECB is the competent supervisory authority, and that national specificities are set out in Section 8 of the form. The Bank therefore invites the institutions concerned to first take note of the national specificities applicable to Belgium.