NBB Blog

Quelles leçons avons-nous tirées de la “crise de l’euro” ?

What lessons did we learn from the European debt crisis?

17 September 2024
After addressing the birth of the single currency in an earlier article, we now look back to the early days of its…

Business investment rose sharply in 2023 and early 2024, but how do we actually measure it?

05 September 2024
Business investment today drives economic growth tomorrow. Preliminary figures for 2023 and early 2024 indicate…
Monetary policy

Monetary plumbing

10 July 2024
Although it received little media attention, the ECB’s decision to adjust its operational framework for implementing…
AML-CFT supervision

Europe reaches milestone in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing

05 July 2024
Last month, a package of new anti-money laundering (AML) rules entered into force in the EU . The package sees Europe…
Interest rates

Bringing down interest rates: are wages throwing a spanner in the works?

13 June 2024
With inflation having fallen sharply, the ECB decided to lower its key interest rates on 6 June. In the months prior to…
Monetary policy

Why we adjusted interest rates

08 June 2024
The ECB has cut interest rates. President Christine Lagarde explains why and sets out what still needs to be done to…
Qui finance qui ? À la découverte de la matrice belge

Who finances whom? Discover the Belgian matrix

07 June 2024
Whether it be families buying homes or businesses making investments, financial flows grease the wheels of the economy.…

Twenty-five years of the euro: How the introduction of the single currency changed the conduct of monetary policy and payment and securities settlement systems in the euro area

02 April 2024
The “test” Belgium had to pass to be admitted to the monetary union with a single currency included conditions…

When are you planning to retire?

11 March 2024
Retirement is an important step in life, and there are more and more question marks hanging over the issue for workers.…

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