Certain investment funds

The annual accounts of certain undertakings for collective investment with a variable number of units (investment funds) may be filed as an annex to the annual accounts of the Belgian management company.

A foreign management company that does not have a Belgian enterprise number (CBE number) and therefore cannot use the Filing application should follow an alternative procedure:

  1. Send the annual accounts of the investment fund to [email protected] with [email protected] in CC for verification of the legibility and monolingualism requirements, indicating the name of the management company (as well as its address and identification number), the name of the investment fund and the financial year.
  2. Upon acceptance by the Central Balance Sheet Office, the publication fee should be paid to account number BE06 1000 0220 0722 (BIC NBBEBEBB203), with the mention “Annual accounts of the UCI + name of fund”.
  3. Upon receipt of payment, the annual accounts will be published by the CBSO, with an indication of the name of the management company, the name of the investment fund, the financial year and the filing date (i.e., the date of receipt of the annual accounts by e-mail).
  4. Upon publication, a filing notice, which serves as proof of filing and payment, will be sent to the filer by email.