Webinar: Covid-19: Fiscal policy reaction and impact on the sustainability of public finances


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Hervé Godefroid, expert at the National Bank of Belgium, will talk about different aspects such as:

  • Contextualization and international comparison (in the euro zone and other large economies) of the various budgetary reactions to face the health crisis (evolution of the primary balance, debt, etc.) and explanation of the responses at European level to to COVID;
  • In-depth analysis of the evolution of public finances between 2019 and 2020 in Belgium (revenue, expenditure, debts, financing balance, interest charges, etc.) and presentation of the major measures put in place to mitigate the economic and social effects of the crisis (and the impact they had on public finances)
  • Putting the Belgian situation into perspective in relation to the major challenges facing public finances over the next few years and analysis of the sustainability of public finances to conclude.
Date and time: 
Wednesday 24 March 2021, 19:00 - 20:00
Capitant Brussels in collaboration with the NBB and the Belgian Financial Forum
Hervé Godefroid (NBB)
Entrance fee: 