FAQ - Supervision portal

What is the purpose of the Supervision portal?

The Supervision portal provides an overview of the prudential supervisory reporting expected by the NBB from your financial institution(s). The portal allows you to: 

  • see an overview of the reporting (i.e. filings) that should be submitted by your institution via OneGate, as well as any filings your institution has previously made, 
  • consult files transmitted to the Bank as part of the submission of qualitative “unstructured” data, previously submitted via the eCorporate application, 
  • consult, and amend if necessary, your institution’s attributes (i.e., descriptive or technical characteristics), 
  • consult your institution’s reporting and identification sheets, 
  • manage user accounts on behalf of your institution. 

Over time, new functionalities will be added to the portal to make it the preferred channel for interaction between the NBB and the financial institutions it supervises. 

Access to Supervision

How can I create a user account for the portal?

Only a user that has been assigned the access management role for your institution can create a Supervision account on your behalf. You should therefore contact the relevant user(s) within your institution to request access to Supervision. 

You will need to provide this user with your surname, first name, email address and – if you wish to have the option to connect to the portal with your Belgian eID card – your national registration number. Once your account has been created, you will receive an invitation email with all necessary information. 

The provision of your national registration number is optional. However, providing this information will permit automatic validation of the activation of your account (see below), without the need for this to be done by an administrator (“admin”) from your institution (or another user with the access management role). 

The NBB requires that at least one user from your institution be assigned, at all times, the admin role. By default, an admin can exercise all possible roles in the Supervision portal, including access management. 

Upon the launch of the portal, the NBB invited one initial admin per institution, tasked with granting additional access rights. 

How can I activate my user account for the portal?

On the login page of the portal (see “How do I log in to the portal?” below), you will be asked to enter an activation code. This code is provided in the invitation email sent to you after a user from your institution creates your account. 

If the code you enter is valid, you will have to wait for an admin from your institution (or another user with the access management role) to validate the activation of your account. You will be notified by email when this is done and will then be able to access the Supervision portal. 

The activation code provided in the invitation email is valid for only 24 hours. If it expires before you are able to use it, you can request a new code from your institution’s admin (or another user with the access management role). 

Validation is necessary to verify that the account was activated by the person to whom the invitation email was sent. 

If you provided your national registration number for the creation of your account and subsequently activate the account by connecting to the portal using your Belgian eID card (via CSAM), validation will take place automatically. You will immediately be granted access to the portal without having to wait for validation by your institution’s admin (or another user with the access management role). 

Why do I have to wait for my institution’s admin (or another user with the access management role) to validate the activation of my account?

Validation of the activation of an account is necessary to verify that the account was activated by the person to whom the invitation email was sent. Only an admin (or another user with the access management role) from the institution concerned can perform this operation. 

If you experience problems during the validation process, please contact [email protected]


The activation code I received by email has expired. How can I get a new one?

You can request a new activation code from an admin at your institution (or another user with the access management role). Activation codes can be re-generated upon request in the Supervision portal. 

If this is not possible or if your institution does not have a designated admin or a user with the access management role (any longer), please contact [email protected]


How can I log in to the Supervision portal?

To connect to the Supervision Portal, please go to the login page. 

You can log in in two ways:  

  • with your Belgian eID card via CSAM or 
  • with a digital certificate. 
First connection

 The first time you connect to the portal using either of the above methods, you will need to: 

  1. follow the on-screen instructions and fill in the requested information to complete your registration, and 
  2. choose a password.
  3. Once your registration is complete, you will receive an email containing a 13-digit user number (a “national unique identification number”). Please keep this number and your password in a safe place.
  4. After activating your user account via one of these two methods (CSAM or a digital certificate), you must always use the same method to access your account.

 It is important to use the same connection method for both Supervision and OneGate, as access rights to your institution’s reporting and filings are configured in OneGate and then shared between these two applications. If you fail to do so, you will not be able to see your institution’s reporting and filings in the Supervision portal. 

If I am already logged in to either Supervision or OneGate, do I need to log in again to use the other application?

No. If you use the same login method for both OneGate and Supervision, your identity is automatically authenticated for both applications, regardless of which you logged in to first. 

For example, if you log in to Supervision with a digital certificate and then go to OneGate, you need only click on the button to confirm your connection and automatically log in. You will not be required to re-enter your login credential

Which digital certificates can I use to access the Supervision portal?

The following certificates may be used with Supervision: 

I have a new/renewed digital certificate. How can I access the Supervision user account I set up with an old certificate?

To access your account, you will need the following: 

  • the 13-digit NUIN (“national unique identification number”) sent to you by email after your first connection to Supervision, immediately after registration, 
  • the password you chose upon registration, 
  • access to the email account provided during registration.

Please follow these steps: 

  1. Connect to the Supervision portal using your new certificate. 
  2. Click on “Already registered account? Click here to login”. 
  3. Enter your NUIN and password. 
  4. Check the email account you used to register. You should have received an email with a single-use password. 
  5. Enter the password provided to access the Supervision portal. 

Configuring access/user rights

If I already have access to OneGate via a digital certificate or CSAM, do I still need a Supervision account (and vice versa)?

Yes. Your user accounts for Supervision and OneGate are two distinct accounts and need to be created separately. 

However, please note that your access rights to your institution’s OneGate reporting and filings are managed exclusively through your OneGate account and are automatically used for your Supervision account. 

How can I find out which rights I have in the Supervision portal and for which institution(s)?

Log in to the Supervision portal and go to your user profile (see the menu in the top right corner). There you will find a list of all institutions for which you have access and your rights for each, as well as a list of Supervision and OneGate admins for your institution. 

How can I change my access rights for reporting and filings in the Supervision portal?

User access rights for reporting and filings are configured solely in OneGate. To request changes to your access rights in Supervision, contact a OneGate administrator for your institution. 

  • The list of OneGate (and Supervision) admins for an institution for which you have access in the Supervision portal can be viewed in your Supervision profile. 
  • If your institution does not yet have a OneGate administrator, follow the procedure described on this page to designate one. 

How can I change my access rights for reporting and filings in the Supervision portal?

User access rights for reporting and filings are configured solely in OneGate. To request changes to your access rights in Supervision, contact a OneGate administrator for your institution. 

  • The list of OneGate (and Supervision) admins for an institution for which you have access in the Supervision portal can be viewed in your Supervision profile. 
  • If your institution does not yet have a OneGate administrator, follow the procedure described on this page to designate one. 

How can I change my access rights for Supervision functionalities?

The Supervision admin (or another user with the access management role) at your institution is responsible for managing user access rights to the portal’s functionalities. Please contact this individual to request any changes to your access rights. 

The list of Supervision and OneGate admins for the institution(s) for which you have access can be viewed in your profile. 

If you already have an active Supervision user account for an institution, you can link it to one or more other institutions. To do so, a user from the latter institution must create an account for you and generate a new invitation email with an activation code. You can then go to your Supervision profile and enter the activation code by clicking on the button at the bottom of the screen. 

Keep in mind that you will have to wait for the admin from the institution concerned to validate the activation of your account in order for you to gain access to the institution in the portal. 


How can I become a Supervision admin for my institution?

Ask your institution’s admin to assign you the admin role for the Supervision portal. If this is not possible, you can always contact [email protected]

Is there anything specific I need to know about my access as an auditor?

As a certified auditor, you are treated the same as any other user of the Supervision portal. The content of the “expected reporting” and “documents library” modules is filtered in accordance with the reporting to which you have access via OneGate. 

Your OneGate access rights are managed by the admins of the institutions for which you have access, like those of any other user. However, when your OneGate account is created, you must make sure that it is an “auditor” account: 

  • If you log in with an eID card (via CSAM), the institution’s admin must take the necessary steps to send you an invitation email for an “auditor” account. 
  • If you are using a digital certificate, all you need to do is log in to https://onegate.nbb.be/ (fill in the certificate registration form if this is your first connection) and request access to the institution of your choice by selecting the option “I want to request access as an auditor” and entering the type of OneGate filing and the code. In most cases, this will be “KBO” and the institution’s VAT number. 

Functionalities and content

Is it possible to submit documents voluntarily to the NBB via the Supervision portal rather than by email?

No, not at present. That being said, additional functionalities will be gradually added to the portal, of which you will be informed in a timely manner. 

I don't see anything in the “expected reporting” and “documents library” modules of the Supervision portal. What should I do?

The reporting visible in Supervision is the same as that to which you have access in OneGate. If you wish to view these documents, you need to: 

  • have an active OneGate account with access rights for (prudential supervisory) reporting and 
  • use the same connection method for Supervision and OneGate. 

If you meet these conditions and still do not see anything in the Supervision portal, please contact [email protected]

I can see reporting in Supervision, but I have the impression that there is less than in OneGate. Is this normal?

Yes. The Supervision portal provides access only to OneGate reporting related to prudential supervision. 

Can I see OneGate reporting prepared by my institution’s certified auditor?

No, both the list of auditor filings and the content thereof can be accessed only by the auditor, in the REV domain.  

Admins/users with access management rights

What is the purpose of the admin role and what is the difference between an admin and a user who can “only” manage user access rights?

By default, an admin has access to all portal functionalities, while a non-admin may only access certain functionalities (including user access management). 

The NBB requires every institution to have at least one valid admin at all times, to ensure that at least one user per institution always has full access to the portal’s functionalities. 

It should be noted that as an admin, you do not, by default, have access to all of your institution’s reporting and filings. Access rights to the latter are managed in OneGate, where the data are collated. 

How can I invite a new user to the Supervision portal?

Go to the “Access” tool and click on “New user”. Fill in the user’s surname, first name, email address and, if necessary, their national registration number and select the permissions (i.e. access rights to the portal’s functionalities) you wish to assign the user. Finally, click on “Send invitation”. 

  1. An email with an activation code will be sent to the specified email address.  
  2. The recipient must then go to the Supervision portal (https://supervision.nbb.be/), log in and enter the activation code when prompted to do so (first login) or in their profile (if this person already has a user account). 
  3. Once the activation code has been entered by the individual, you (or another user with the access management role) must validate the activation in the portal’s “Access” tool. The purpose of this requirement is to confirm that the correct person (i.e., the holder of the digital certificate or ID card) has activated the correct account.  
  4. After validation, the user will have access to the Supervision portal for your institution. You will be notified by email when account activations need to be validated.  
  5. The user will be notified by email of your validation decision (acceptance or refusal). 

What happens if I refuse to validate the activation of an account?

In this case, the user will be notified by email of the refusal and will not be able to access the Supervision portal for your institution. The profile in question will be marked as “rejected”. 

You can do two things with a rejected profile:  

  • generate another invitation email with a new activation code, to be sent to the same or a different email address, or 
  • delete the profile. 

Can I grant Supervision admin rights to another user?

Yes, but only if you are an admin yourself. If you have the access management role but are not an admin, you cannot invite a new user to become an admin or designate an existing user as an admin. 

To grant the admin role to a user, select this role in the user’s profile or do so when creating the account. 

No. The same user can be both a Supervision admin and a OneGate admin for a given institution, but this is not necessarily the case. 

Moreover, Supervision admins can be created directly in the Supervision portal by other admins, while OneGate admins are created outside OneGate via a separate procedure, outlined on this page

 An institution must designate at least one OneGate admin to manage access rights for users connecting via CSAM/eID. 

How useful is it to provide an individual’s national registration number when creating a new account, if this information is optional?

It is only useful to provide an individual’s national registration number when creating a user account if they intend to use their Belgian eID card (via CSAM) to connect to the portal. When this person activates their account by entering the activation code, the activation will be validated automatically provided the number on their identity card matches the number provided when creating the account. 

In other words, manual validation of the activation of the account by a Supervision admin (or another user with the access management role) is not required. As a result, the user has direct access to the portal. 

Can I delegate my rights as an admin if I will be unavailable for several days?

If you will be away for several days and would like others to take over your access management role, you can easily add access management rights to one or more profiles for the duration of your absence. All you need to do is rescind them when you return. There is no need to designate a user as an admin for purposes of managing user access. 

What happens if my institution’s admin is no longer able to perform their duties and another admin has not been designated?

In this case, contact [email protected] and explain the situation. Our staff will help you assign a new admin. They can also act in place of an admin if necessary. 

The NBB requires every institution to have at least one valid admin at all times, to ensure that at least one user per institution has full access to the portal at any given time. By default, the administrator is considered your institution’s point of contact with the NBB in the event of problems or questions related to the Supervision portal. 

Logging in to OneGate

I don't have a OneGate user account yet. How can I get one?

This depends on how you wishto connect to OneGate: with adigitalcertificate or a Belgian eID card (via CSAM).

 Bear in mind that you must use the same connection methodforboth OneGate and Supervision in order to be able to view your institution’s prudential reportingin Supervision.

If you wish to connect using a digital certificate, please go to https://onegate.nbb.be/. Log in to the portal and follow the instructions to register your certificate and request access on behalf of your institution. More information can be found on the OneGate web page

If you wish to connect to OneGate using a Belgian eID card (via CSAM), a OneGate administrator at your institution must invite you to the OneGate portal by creating an account in your name. Contact this person to handle your request. You must provide them with your surname, first name, email address and national registration number (the latter is required in order to be able to access OneGate via CSAM). 

The OneGate (and Supervision) admins for the institutions for which you have access in Supervision can be viewed in your Supervision profile. 

My institution has not yet designated a OneGate admin. What can I do, and can I still access OneGate using my Belgian eID card (via CSAM)?

Without a OneGate administrator, it is not possible for your institution to manage user access to OneGate and to invite people to connect to the application using a Belgian eID card (via CSAM). 

A specific procedure, separate from that used for the Supervision portal, must be followed to designate new OneGate admins for your institution. This is described on the OneGate web page.

How do I appoint a new OneGate admin for my institution?

Aspecific procedure, separate from that used for the Supervision portal, must be followed to designate new OneGate admins for your institution. This is described on the OneGate webpage.

My institution is not Belgian. How can I designate a OneGate admin?

How can I change the list of reporting and filings I can access in OneGate (and thus in Supervision)?

User access rights for reporting and filings are configured solely in OneGate.

Your access rights to reporting are managed by the OneGate admin of each institution for which you have access. 

  • A list of OneGate (and Supervision) admins for the institution(s) for which you have access in the Supervision portal can be viewed in your Supervision profile. 
  • If your institution does not have a OneGate admin, it should follow the procedure described on this page to designate one. 

I have access to OneGate with a digital certificate, but I would like to use CSAM (i.e. my Belgian eID card) to connect to OneGate and Supervision. How can I do this?

It is not possible to convert an existing OneGate user account linked to a digital certificate to a CSAM account or vice versa. 

However, you can ask your OneGate/Supervision admin to create a new account for you, which you can then activate using CSAM. The administrator will then need to configure your access rights to the institution’s reporting. 

If you use a digital certificate to access the reporting of different institutions, you should ask the admin of each institution concerned to create a new account for you, all of which should then be activated via CSAM. 

Is it possible to grant a user read-only access to reporting in OneGate?

Yes. An institution’s OneGate admin can choose to grant a user read-only or write access to each “report”  in the application. 

Is it possible to restrict a user’s OneGate access to certain documents filed by my institution?

Yes. An institution’s OneGate admin can choose to grant a user read-only or write access to each “report” in the application. 

To do so, they simply need to open the user’s profile in the user management tool (available only to OneGate admins) and select or deselect, in each domain, the reporting to which the user is (or is not) granted access and, for each selected type of reporting, indicate whether the user should have read-only or write access. 

It is not possible, however, to grant access only to specific versions of a document or reporting periods. When access is granted to a report, the user can view all existing versions of the document (and the related forms) in OneGate. 

How can I obtain access to another institution with my OneGate account?

This depends on how you access OneGate. 

If you connect to OneGate using a digital certificate, go to the OneGate home page and click on “Request new access” in the “Active registrant” field. Then submit an access request by selecting the relevant option and entering the type and OneGate filing code for the institution concerned. In most cases, this will be “KBO” and the institution’s VAT number. 

If you use a Belgian eID card to access OneGate (via CSAM), contact a OneGate admin at the institution concerned and ask them to create an account on your behalf. You will have to provide your surname, first name, email address and national registration number (the latter is required to access OneGate via CSAM). 

Submitting qualitative documents via OneGate

Where can I find the qualitative reporting that must be submitted via OneGate and how can I access it?

The qualitative data previously collected via the eCorporate application are spread across four OneGate domains: AML (AML-related documents), CPA (insurance companies), MBS (banks and the like) and REV (auditor documents). 

How can I upload files for qualitative reporting in OneGate?

Please follow the steps below: 

  1. Go to the OneGate website. 
  2. Select the relevant document under the “Reportsing” menu (you can view reporting by domain or by due date). 
  3. Select the relevant reporting period (this is only applicable if you are viewing reporting by domain and if the reporting frequency is not “only once”). 
  4. Open the relevant form by clicking on its name (“qualitative” reporting never contains more than one form, to which you can upload the relevant documents). 
  5. Upload the necessary documents to the form (a mandatory main file and any attachments). 
  6. Close the form (once closed, the form can no longer be modified). 



For reporting submitted “on demand” (i.e. “occasional” reporting in the eCorporate application), you must create a new form.  


To do so, select the report and the current month (you cannot create a new form for previous months). Then click on the “New” button on the right-hand side of the screen and the name of the form. Confirm the creation of the form in the window that opens and follow steps 4 to 6 above. 

Only once” and “ongoing” reporting in Supervision form the object of a single OneGate filing. However, “ongoing” reporting must be updated in OneGate each time the reported data change. 

To do so, go to OneGate, select the reporting in question and the form, and click on “Reopen”. Make the necessary changes to the form and close it again. 

It should be noted that “ongoing” reporting is the only type of reporting that can be reopened by users. All other reporting can only be reopened by the NBB, upon request. Please also note that the “ongoing” reporting frequency is indicated as “only once” in OneGate. 

How do I submit “on demand” reporting in OneGate?

For so-called “on demand” reporting (called “occasional” reporting in the eCorporate application), you must create a new form. 

To do so, select the type of reporting and the current month (you cannot create a new form for previous months). Then click on the “New” button on the right-hand side of the screen and the name of the form to be created. Confirm the creation of the form in the window that opens. 

The form will now appear on your screen. Click on the form to open it and complete it as usual. Remember to close it once you’ve finished. 

In the “expected reporting” module in Supervision, click on “Manually add reporting” at the top right of the screen. A list of “on demand” reporting to which you have access in OneGate will appear. Click on the desired type of reporting to be directed to OneGate, where you can create a new form. 

How can I update “ongoing” reporting in OneGate?

“Only once” and “ongoing” reporting in Supervision form the object of a single filing in OneGate. However, “ongoing” reporting must be updated in OneGate when the reported data change. 

To do so, select the reporting concerned in OneGate and the form, and click on “Reopen”. Click on the form to open it, make the necessary changes, and then close it. 

It should be noted that “ongoing” reporting is the only type of reporting that can be reopened by users. All other reporting can only be reopened by the NBB, upon request. Please also note that the “ongoing” reporting frequency is shown as “only once” in OneGate. 

Unlike in the eCorporate application, I do not yet see in OneGate all reporting periods expected in the current year. Is this normal?

Yes. The various reporting periods are gradually being made available in OneGate.  

The time at which reporting becomes available for a particular reporting period depends on the report in question and how it is managed by the NBB. If you have a complaint about or suggested change to the availability of reporting in OneGate, please send it to

[email protected].

Support and contacts

Who should I contact if I experience problems with the Supervision portal?

If you experience technical difficulties with the Supervision portal (e.g. the availability of the application, browser compatibility issues, problems with a digital certificate, website availability, etc.), please contact the NBB Technical Help Desk at +32 2 221 40 60. 

If you experience other problems or have non-technical questions regarding use of the portal (e.g. application functionalities, the activation of a user account, etc.), please contact the portal’s help desk at [email protected]

If you have problems or questions regarding OneGate reporting and forms (e.g. what should be reported, data-related questions, etc.), please address your query to the contact for the specific OneGate domain to which the reporting/form relates, at https://www.nbb.be/en/statistics/onegate-declarations/contact-helpdesk-onegate.

If you experience problems accessing the OneGate application or if you access OneGate with a digital certificate and would like to change your access rights to the reporting filed by your institution, please contact [email protected]

How can I find out who the OneGate or Supervision admin is for my institution?

Unfortunately, this information is only available if you have activated an account on the Supervision portal AND have access for the institution in question. Go to your account profile to see the list of institutions for which you have access and their OneGate and Supervision admins. 

If you do not have access to the Supervision portal for the institution concerned, you should contact that institution to find out the identity of the admin(s). 

Should you still be unable to identify the admin(s), please contact [email protected] of [email protected] depending on the application to which your problem relates.

I would like to make suggestions for improvements to the Supervision portal. Who should I contact?

There will undoubtedly be room to improve the new Supervision portal and, over time, to add new functionalities. Your ideas are welcome. Please send them to [email protected]