I am a private individual (natural or legal person) and I have a question about:

1. reporting foreign accounts

How do I report my foreign account(s)?

The easiest way is via the CPC web application. It is also possible to submit information in writing. 

MORE INFO How to report an account

Which types of foreign accounts do I have to report?

We advise you to contact the Federal Public Service Finance (FPS Finance): Contact | FPS Finances (belgium.be)

I do not understand what I should enter in some sections of the form used to report foreign accounts or the web application.

Please see the explanatory notes prepared by the Federal Public Service Finance (FPS Finance).

There are two different explanatory notes:

to report a foreign account
to modify previously reported data relating to a foreign account

MORE INFO Standard forms for reporting to the CPC | nbb.be

My foreign bank account does not have an IBAN. What should I put in section 3a?

In this case, you may fill in the e-mail address or a logon ID by which your financial institution identifies you.

I have already reported my foreign bank accounts, but I can’t find them using the web application.

For the time being, the web application does not yet allow retrieval in the CPC database of previously reported data. This functionality will be added in the near future.      

The web application is intended solely to report accounts or make changes to previously reported data. 

MORE INFO If you are unsure as to which information about you is recorded in the CPC, you can consult the database. More information is available at Consultation by natural and legal persons | nbb.be

I have not (yet) reported my foreign bank account to the CPC. Will I be fined?

We advise you to do so as soon as possible.

The Federal Public Service Finance (FPS Finance) is reponsible for monitoring compliance with the applicable legislation (and the imposition of sanctions for noncompliance).

MORE INFO Reporting foreign accounts | nbb.be

2. reporting Belgian accounts

I received a letter from my financial institution regarding the reporting of my accounts or contracts to the CPC.

This is the usual procedure. All financial institutions are required by law to submit to the CPC certain information about their customers’ financial accounts and contracts. They must inform you of this in writing (by letter, e-mail or a mention on your bank statement). 

MORE INFO Please contact your financial institution.

3. consulting data

How can I consult data registered in my name in the CPC?

Anyone can request an overview of their own data in the Central Point of Contact for accounts and financial contracts (CPC), free of charge.

MORE INFO Consultation by natural and legal persons | nbb

May I obtain data relating to a third party (parent(s), child, former spouse, deceased family member)?

In principle, no. You can only consult your own data in the CPC. There are nevertheless a few specific situations in which you may access a third party’s data. This is the case, for instance, if you are the guardian of a protected person.

If you wish to consult data relating to a deceased person for purposes of a statement of inheritance, you should contact a notary.

MORE INFO Consultation by natural and legal persons | nbb

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