SDDS Plus: Economic and Financial Data for Belgium

Data presented on this website, including links to the SDDS Plus data, correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB).

For more information about the DSBB and the statistical standards, please visit theĀ DSBB Home Page.

Description of data Table SDMX-ML Metadata
Real Sector   (.STAT) .XML Metadata
National Accounts - GDP NAG
Accumulation Accounts (Sectoral Balance Sheets) SBS
Industrial Production IND
Employment EMP
Unemployment UEM
Wages/earnings WOE
Consumer price indices CPI
Producer price indices PPI
Fiscal Sector   (.STAT) .XML Metadata
General Government Operations GGO      
- Quarterly  
- Annual  
General government gross debt GGD
Central government operations CGO
Central government debt CGB
Financial Sector   (.STAT) .XML Metadata
Depository Corporations Survey DCS
Central Bank Survey CBS
Other Financial Corporations (OFC) survey OFS
Financial Soundness Indicators        
- Regulatory tier 1 capital to risk−weighted assets FSI
- Regulatory tier 1 capital to assets FSI
- Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital FSI
- Nonperforming loans to total gross loans FSI
- Return on assets FSI
- Liquid assets to short−term liabilities (or equivalent under the Basel Accords) FSI
- Residential real estate prices FSI
Debt Securities DSE
Interest rates INR
Share price index SPI
External Sector   (.STAT) .XML Metadata
Balance of Payments -- BPM6 BOP_BPM6
Official reserve assets ILV1
Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity  ILV2
Merchandise trade MET
International Investment Position -- BPM6 IIP
External debt EXD
Coordinated portfolio investment survey CPIS  
Coordinated direct investment survey CDIS  
Currency composition of official foreign exchange reserve COFER  
Exchange Rates EXR
Socio-demographic Data   (.STAT) .XML Metadata
Population POP