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The Governing Council has decided to lower the deposit facility rate – the rate through which it steers the monetary policy stance – by 25 basis points. 

monetary policy

The National Bank expects the Belgian economy to see stable quarterly growth of 0.2% in the third quarter of 2024. Read more on this in the latest Business Cycle Monitor (BCM).

Business Cycle Monitor September 2024

Preliminary data for 2023 and early 2024 show a boom in business investment. Why was this? More importantly, how do we measure it? Statistician Lotte Van Mechelen provides an explainer in a new article on our blog. 


Imports from China are reaching new heights in Europe and Belgium. The growing dependence for strategic goods calls for vigilance. A new article written by experts from the NBB sheds more light on the direct and indirect exposure of Belgian trade with China and the associated vulnerabilities.

Ecorev art07 China

The National Bank of Belgium will host the next General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), from 24 to 28 August 2026 in Brussels. The announcement was made at the most recent edition of the biennial conference, held this year in London.

IARIW conference
  • Press release - Foreign Trade Statistics (F-N) (2024-06)

  • Foreign Trade Statistics - Monthly Bulletin (F-N) (2024-06)

  • Press release - Consumer confidence indicator (2024-09)

  • Press release - Business confidence indicator (2024-09)

  • Press release - Net international investment position and balance of payments financial account (2024-II)

  • Press release - Financial accounts of Belgium (2024-II)

  • Press release - Foreign Trade Statistics (F-N) (2024-07)

  • Foreign Trade Statistics - Monthly Bulletin (F-N) (2024-07)

  • Press release - NAI - Detailed annual accounts and tables (2023)

  • National accounts - Detailed annual accounts and tables (F-N) (2023)

Detailed figures Following the entry into force of the law of July 31, 2023 and the resulting changes, there is a break in the series between the statistics available up to April 2024 and those produced from May 2024 onwards.   Monthly statistics (from ...
The Central Balance Sheet Office collects, processes and makes available the annual accounts of most legal entities active in Belgium. It is a valuable source of information for the preparation of statistics and financial analyses. This information is ...

Monetary policy decisions - September 2024
PRESSEMITTEILUNG Geldpolitische Beschlüsse 12. September 2024 Der EZB-Rat hat heute beschlossen, den Zinssatz für die Einlagefazilität – den Zinssatz, mit dem er den geldpolitischen Kurs steuert – um 25 Basispunkte zu senken. Auf der Grundlage der vom EZB ...
PRESS RELEASE Monetary policy decisions 12 September 2024 The Governing Council today decided to lower the deposit facility rate – the rate through which it steers the monetary policy stance – by 25 basis points. Based on the Governing Council’s updated ...
PERSBERICHT Monetairbeleidsbeslissingen 12 september 2024 De Raad van Bestuur heeft vandaag besloten de rente op de depositofaciliteit – de rente waarmee de monetairbeleidskoers wordt gestuurd – met 25 basispunten te verlagen. Op basis van de bijgewerkte ...
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE Décisions de politique monétaire 12 septembre 2024 Le Conseil des gouverneurs a décidé, ce jour, d’abaisser le taux d’intérêt de la facilité de dépôt, à travers lequel il pilote l’orientation de la politique monétaire, de 25 points de ...

Credit granted to non-financial corporations (Consolidated balance sheet of credit institutions - Sheme A) (2024-07)

Oustanding amount of linear bonds (2024-08)