Internationale conferentie 2014 over "Total factor productivity: measurement, determinants and effects"

16-17 oktober 2014 - Auditorium van de Nationale Bank van België in Brussel

The effects of state aid on total tactor productivity growth
Jozef Konings, Ilona Sergant, Patrick Van Cayseele
Working Paper 264 – presentation
Discussion by M. Mariniello

Assessing the role of ageing, feminising and better-educated workforces on TFP growth
Andrea Ariu, Vincent Vandenberghe
Working Paper 265 – presentation
Discussion by M. Weiss

A constrained nonparametric regression analysis of factor-biased technical change and TFP growth at the firm-level
Michel Dumont, Bruno Merlevede, Glenn Rayp, Marijn Verschelde
Working Paper 266 – presentation
Discussion by D. Henderson

Market imperfections, skills and Total Factor Productivity: Firm-level evidence on Belgium and the Netherlands
Sabien Dobbelaere, Mark Vancauteren
Working Paper 267 – presentation
Discussion by P. Portugal

Import competition, productivity and multi-product firms
Emmanuel Dhyne, Amil Petrin, Valérie Smeets, Frederic Warzynski
Working Paper 268 – presentation
Discussion by J. Mairesse

International competition and firm performance: Evidence from Belgium
Jan De Loecker, Catherine Fuss, Johannes Van Biesebroeck
Working Paper 269 - presentation
Discussion by F. Schivardi

Acquisitions, productivity, and profitability: Evidence from the Japanese cotton spinning industry
Serguey Braguinsky, Atsushi Ohyama, Tetsuji Okazaki, Chad Syverson
Working Paper 270 – presentation

Total Factor Productivity: Lessons from the past and directions for the future
Bart van Ark
Working Paper 271 – presentation

Innovation and Productivity
Bronwyn H. Hall
Innovation and productivity
Innovation and productivity: an update

H. Bogaert
S. Deroose
N. Johnstone
L. Sleuwaegenpresentation