Welcome to the website of the National Bank of Belgium

During the first quarter of 2024, shares issued by Belgian funds markedly increased in value, reaching €244.7 billion. Belgian households invested relatively more in shares issued by domestic funds (76% of purchases) than by foreign funds.

Organismes de placement collectifs

After several months of near stability, the business confidence indicator dropped to a level close to that recorded in February. Confidence in the business climate worsened in the manufacturing industry and in business-related services, while the building industry grew slightly more optimistic.

La confiance des chefs d'entreprise s'est affaiblie en juillet

Fears of a rise in unemployment over the next twelve months have sharply intensified. Households are less optimistic about their savings intentions over the coming twelve months.


The Governing Council today decided to keep the three key ECB interest rates unchanged. The incoming information broadly supports the Governing Council’s previous assessment of the medium-term inflation outlook. 


Traditionally strong-performing sectors such as chemicals/pharmaceuticals, transport equipment, metals and machinery reported strongly negative growth rates for the past three months. Only the foodstuffs sector has a positive import growth rate.


The net financial wealth of Belgian households increased by €26.5 billion to €1218.1 billion. 

euro biljet

Although it received little media attention, the ECB’s decision to adjust its operational framework for implementing monetary policy will bring about fundamental changes.

Les rouages de la politique monétaire

With its new package of anti-money laundering legislation, Europe is stepping up the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Find out all about this new set of rules in a blog post by AML experts Dries Cools and Kurt Van Raemdonck.


In its capacity as a supervisor of the financial system, the Bank publishes an annual report on the latest developments concerning financial market infrastructures, payment institutions, and critical service providers based in Belgium.

  • Press release - NAI - Flash estimate (2024-II)

  • Foreign Trade Statistics - Monthly Bulletin (F-N) (2024-05)

  • Press release - Foreign Trade Statistics (F-N) (2024-05)

  • Press release - Consumer confidence indicator (2024-08)

  • Press release - Business confidence indicator (2024-08)

  • Press release - NAI - Quarterly aggregates (2024-II)

  • Press release - Foreign Trade Statistics (F-N) (2024-06)

  • Foreign Trade Statistics - Monthly Bulletin (F-N) (2024-06)

  • Press release - Consumer confidence indicator (2024-09)

  • Press release - Business confidence indicator (2024-09)

In the picture