
The National Bank has an active artwork purchasing policy. Its selection criteria are quite clear: it only buys works of art from Belgian artists, or from artists living in Belgium. They are usually existing works, although the NBB occasionally commissions made-to-measure creations.

6. Michaël Borremans, The Cutters (2004), Courtesy National Bank of Belgium
Michaël Borremans, The Cutters (2004), courtesy Michael Borremans

Acquisition policy

The Bank is assisted in this area by specialised external advisers, who can guarantee an independent and top-quality selection, as was the case with Jacques Parisse, Karel Geirlandt, Peter Wouters and Jan Hoet in the past.

Together with its advisers, the National Bank pursues an active prospecting policy for its art collection.

Unsolicited offers or requests are not taken into consideration.

Rental service

The National Bank regularly rents out items from its art collection to museums, organisers of exhibitions and to both national and international cultural organisations. 

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.