
Consumers cannot submit data to the ICR themselves. Consumer data are submitted to the Individual Credit Register (ICR) exclusively by lenders. The latter are required by law to provide certain information.


Like lenders, credit insurance companies and debt collection agencies have a notification obligation. This is the case when they take over the rights arising from a loan or credit agreement.

Data to be provided

Lenders must submit the following data to the ICR:

  • the identification data of the borrower(s): the borrower’s identification number in the National Population Register, full name, date of birth, gender and address;
  • the characteristics of the loan or credit agreement: the type of loan, the number of the contract and
    • for instalment sales, finance leases and instalment loans or for mortgages in any of these forms: the total amount to be repaid by the consumer, the instalment amount if the instalments are equal, the amount of the first instalment if the instalments are not equal, the number of instalments, the initial frequency of instalments, and the dates of the first and last instalments;  
    • for a credit line: the credit limit and, if applicable, the end date of the agreement;
    • for mortgage loans: the mortgage amount, the mortgage payment if the payments are equal, the amount of the first payment if the mortgage payments are not equal, the number of payments, the initial frequency of payments, and the dates of the first and last payments.
  • defaults: the date of delinquency and the past due amount. 

Information for lenders

Lenders that wish to obtain more information on the submission of data to the ICR can go to Information for lenders |