4.1.2. Statutory governing body

Statutory and regulatory framework

  1. Brokerage Supervision Act: Articles 19, 20, 29, 32 §2, 56 to 58, 61 §3 and 64
  2. NBB circulars:
    • Circular NBB_2024_03 transposing EBA Guidelines 2023/08 of 18 December 2023 introducing new reporting obligations on diversity practices for credit institutions and stockbroking firms
    • Communication NBB_2023_04 on diversity - EBA and NBB benchmarking exercises and prudential expectations
    • Communication NBB_2022_34 of 22 December 2022 updating the NBB’s Fit & Proper Manual
    • Circular NBB_2021_27 transposing EBA/GL/2021/06 on the assessment of suitability of members of the management body and key function holders
    • Communication NBB_2021_04 of 19 January 2021 on the HIVE project and the digitalisation of the fit & proper process
    • Communication NBB_2018_05 of 8 February 2018 on the report of the statutory governing body on assessment of the compliance function
  3. International reference documents:
    • EBA/GL/2021/14 on internal governance => paragraphs 22 to 32 and 36 to 43