4.5.2. Business continuity management

Statutory and regulatory framework

  1. Brokerage Supervision Act: Article 17 §1(9)
  2. NBB circulars:
    • Circular NBB_2017_29 of 30 November 2017 on crisis management
    • Circular PPB 2005/2 of 10 March 2005 on sound management practices aimed at ensuring the business continuity of financial institutions
  3. International reference documents:
    • EBA/GL/2021/14 on internal governance => paragraphs 202 to 207


4:180 Firms should establish a sound business continuity management and recovery plan to ensure their ability to operate on a going concern basis and to limit losses in the event of severe business disruption.

4:181 For more information on business continuity management, please see paragraphs 202 to 207 of EBA/GL/2021/14.

4:182 In addition, Circular PPB 2005/2 sets out a number of criteria - translated into sound management practices - for assessment by the NBB of business continuity plans.