Internationale conferentie 2022 over 'Household Heterogeneity and Policy Relevance'

De globale financiële crisis, de COVID-19-pandemie en de huidige energiecrisis hebben huishoudens op verschillende manieren getroffen naargelang van hun sociaal-economische status. Huishoudens reageren ook anders op economische beleidsmaatregelen naargelang van hun specifieke beperkingen en mogelijkheden. Over het algemeen is de maatschappij gevoeliger geworden voor deze verdelingsaspecten. In dit verband slagen economische analyses er steeds beter in trends en drijvende krachten achter ongelijkheid te documenteren en het belang van heterogeniteit voor het transmissiemechanisme van beleidsmaatregelen in te schatten. Economische modellen werden verbeterd om rekening te houden met verschillende aspecten van de heterogeniteit van huishoudens. Deze empirische en theoretische inzichten vormen de basis voor een optimaal beleidsontwerp dat deze verdelingsaspecten in aanmerking neemt.

Introduction by Pierre Wunsch, Governor of the National Bank of Belgium

Session 1: Distributional effects of shocks and policy 

Chair:  Catherine Fuss (Economics and Research Department – NBB)


Keynote presentation
Some like it hot: a distributional analysis of inclusive monetary policy
Giovanni L. Violante (Princeton University)

The consumption response to labour income changes 
Kris Boudt, Koen Schoors, Milan van den Heuvel, Johannes Weytjens (Universiteit Gent)

Heterogeneous household responses to energy price shocks
Gert Peersman (Universiteit Gent) and Joris Wauters (National Bank of Belgium

Session 2: Various aspects of household heterogeneity and implications

Chair: Raf Wouters (Economics and Research Department – NBB)

Invited presentation
Optimal monetary policy during a cost-of-living crisis
Vincent Sterk (University College London)

Income inequality in general equilibrium
Bastien Bernon (Université libre de Bruxelles), Joep Konings (KU Leuven, GSB Nazarbayev, CEPR) and Glenn Magerman (Université libre de Bruxelles, CEPR)
Discussant: Julien Sauvagnat (Bocconi University)

The long and short of financing government spending

Jochen Mankart (Deutsche Bundesbank), Rigas Oikonomou (UCLouvain) and Romanos Priftis (European Central Bank)
Discussant: Fernando Broner (CREI, UPF, Barcelona School of Economics)

Labour supply of households facing a risk of job loss
Wouter Gelade, Maud Nautet and Céline Piton (National Bank of Belgium)

Session 3: Household finance 

Chair:  Olivier De Jonghe (Economics and Research Department – NBB)

Invited presentation
The long-run impact of a marginal mental health diagnosis on income, wealth, and health. Evidence from randomly assigned doctors.
Marieke Bos (Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Over-indebtedness and poverty : patterns across household types and policy effects
Sarah Kuypers and Gerlinde Verbist (Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck – Universiteit Antwerpen)

Evaluating heterogeneous effects of housing-sector-specific macroprudential policy tools on Belgian house price growth
Lara Coulier and Selien De Schryder (Universiteit Gent)

Bank competition and bargaining over refinancing
Marina Emiris (National Bank of Belgium), François Koulisher (Université du Luxembourg) and Christophe Spaenjers (University of Colorado Boulder)

Session 4: Inequality: drivers and implications

Chair: Pelin Ilbas (Economics and Research Department – NBB)

Housing inequality and how fiscal policy shapes it: evidence from Belgian real estate
Gerard Domènech-Arumi (Université libre de Bruxelles), Paula Gobbi and Glenn Magerman (Université libre de Bruxelles, CEPR)

Income inequality and the German export surplus
Ansgar Rannenberg (National Bank of Belgium), Thomas Theobald (Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung Düsseldorf)

Keynote presentation
Role of inequality in finance and macroeconomics
Amir Sufi (University of Chicago)