Belgium: Economic and financial data

Date of last update : 22 July 2024
Updated every bank working day

The data shown on this page correspond to the economic and financial variables described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For an extended explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Belgium has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.


Unless otherwise indicated, data are not seasonally adjusted
Dots are delimiters for units of thousands, commas indicate decimal points
Some of the prescribed breakdowns are shown on separate pages through a link found in the last column "More Info" of the NSDP.

SDDS Data Category and Component Unit Description Observations More Info
Period and Date of Latest Data Latest Data Data for Previous Period % Change from Previous Period % Change from Same Period Last Year to Latest Period
National Accounts, chain linked, ESA 2010              
* GDP at market prices EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  118.859  118.544  0,27  1,26  [Backdata]
* Flash-estimate of real GDP growth percentage Q1/24        0,3  1,3   
* Value added breakdown:              
** Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fisheries EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  610  614  -0,65  22,49  [Backdata]
** Industry EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  15.378  15.358  0,13  -2,84  [Backdata]
** Construction EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  5.276  5.288  -0,23  1,66  [Backdata]
** Services EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  85.460  85.209  0,29  2,20  [Backdata]
** Other components EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  12.289  12.245  0,36  -0,65  [Backdata]
* Expenditure components:              
** Private final consumption EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  59.072  58.977  0,16  1,23  [Backdata]
** Public final consumption EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  29.046  28.857  0,65  2,03  [Backdata]
** Gross domestic capital formation EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  27.835  27.972  -0,49  -4,01  [Backdata]
** Total export EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  100.677  100.309  0,37  -3,85  [Backdata]
** Total import EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., chained 2015 euros Q1/24  97.984  97.786  0,20  -5,04  [Backdata]
* Price deflators value added:              
** Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fisheries deflator, s.a. + w.d.a., index 2015 = 100 Q1/24  201,3  196,6  2,39  -8,71  [Backdata]
** Industry deflator, s.a. + w.d.a., index 2015 = 100 Q1/24  124,9  124,3  0,48  -6,02  [Backdata]
** Construction deflator, s.a. + w.d.a., index 2015 = 100 Q1/24  135,7  135,3  0,30  1,95  [Backdata]
** Services deflator, s.a. + w.d.a., index 2015 = 100 Q2/21  110,3  109,7  0,55  1,94  [Backdata]
** Other components deflator, s.a. + w.d.a., index 2015 = 100 Q1/24  122,8  119,7  2,59  2,08  [Backdata]
** GDP at market prices deflator, s.a. + w.d.a., index 2015 = 100 Q1/24  125,9  124,7  0,96  2,03  [Backdata]
* Price deflators expenditure:              
** Private final consumption deflator, s.a. + w.d.a., index 2015 = 100 Q1/24  129,6  128,7  0,70  1,81  [Backdata]
** Public final consumption deflator, s.a. + w.d.a., index 2015 = 100 Q1/24  126,1  124,4  1,37  2,60  [Backdata]
** Gross domestic capital formation deflator, s.a. + w.d.a., index 2015 = 100 Q2/21  118  116,2  1,55  17,30  [Backdata]
National Accounts at current prices, ESA 2010              
* GDP at market prices EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  149.643  147.825  1,23  3,28  [Backdata]
* Value added breakdown:              
** Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fisheries EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  1.228  1.207  1,74  11,84  [Backdata]
** Industry EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  19.205  19.090  0,60  -8,70  [Backdata]
** Construction EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  7.161  7.157  0,06  3,63  [Backdata]
** Services EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  106.963  105.713  1,18  5,94  [Backdata]
** Other components EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  15.087  14.659  2,92  1,39  [Backdata]
* Expenditure components:              
** Private final consumption EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  76.544  75.913  0,83  3,00  [Backdata]
** Public final consumption EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  36.632  35.890  2,07  4,66  [Backdata]
** Gross domestic capital formation EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  34.214  36.252  -5,62  -8,53  [Backdata]
** Net export EUR millions, s.a. + w.d.a., current prices Q1/24  2.252  -230  n.a.  n.a.  [Backdata]
Industrial Production excluding construction gross series, index 2015 = 100 May/24  95,2  90,9  4,73  2,59  [Backdata and detail]
Forward-looking indicator: qualitative business survey monthly weightened results, gross series, seasonally adjusted Jun/24  -11,1  -11  n.a.  n.a.  [Backdata and detail]
Degree of utilisation of installed production capacity: total of all industries last month of quarter weightened result, gross series, in percentage Apr/24  74,6  72,8  2,47  -4,60  [Backdata]
Employment thousands, s.a. + w.d.a. Q1/24  5.230  5.225,3  0,09  0,39  [Backdata and detail]
Unemployment rate seasonally adjusted, E.U.-definition, in percentage of labour force May/24  5,9  5,8  1,72  3,51  [Backdata and detail]
Wages labour cost index 2008 = 100, sa Q1/24  119,29  118,13  0,98  3,70  [Backdata]
Consumer prices index 2013 = 100 Jun/24  131,87  131,58  0,22  3,74  [Backdata and detail]
Producer Prices index 2010= 100 May/24  164,89  166,9  -1,20  -0,89  [Backdata and detail]
SDDS Data Category and Component Unit Description Observations More Info
Period and Date of Latest Data Latest Data Data for Previous Period % Change from Previous Period % Change from Same Period Last Year to Latest Period
General Government Operations              
* Revenue EUR millions 2023  293.175,3  275.342,7  6,48  n.a.  [Backdata and detail]
* Expenditure EUR millions 2023  319.140,5  295.124,6  8,14  n.a.  [Backdata and detail]
* Balance, Deficit (-) / Surplus (+) EUR millions 2023  -25.965,4  -19.781,9  31,26  n.a.  [Backdata]
* Financing by new liabilities EUR millions           [Backdata and detail]
Central Government Operations              
* Revenue EUR millions May/24  3.936  13.930  -71,74  62,11  [Backdata and detail]
* Expenditure EUR millions May/24  7.463  6.452  15,67  15,21  [Backdata and detail]
* Balance, Deficit (-) / Surplus (+) EUR millions May/24  -4.100  7.239  n.a.  n.a.  [Backdata]
* Financing by new liabilities EUR millions May/24  -1.784  12.146  -114,69  -274,79  [Backdata and detail]
Central Government Debt              
* Total debt EUR millions May/24  532.643  534.418  -0,33  8,11  [Backdata and detail]
* By original maturity              
** Up to 1 year EUR millions May/24  37.851  42.644  -11,24  -14,46  [Backdata]
** Over 1 year EUR millions May/24  494.792  491.774  0,61  10,33  [Backdata]
* By currency              
** Euro (since 1999) (before 1999: only Belgian francs) EUR millions May/24  532.643  534.418  -0,33  8,11  [Backdata]
** Foreign currencies (since 1999 only currencies not belonging to the euro zone) EUR millions May/24      [Backdata and detail]
*** USD EUR millions May/24      [Backdata]
SDDS Data Category and Component Unit Description Observations More Info
Period and Date of Latest Data Latest Data Data for Previous Period % Change from Previous Period % Change from Same Period Last Year to Latest Period
Analytical Accounts of the Banking Sector              
* National contribution to the euro area M3 EUR millions May/24  683.800  676.600  1,06  n.a.  [Backdata and detail]
* Domestic (eurozone) claims on general government (gross) EUR millions May/24  217.961  217.081  0,41  -0,20  [Backdata and detail]
** of which securities other than shares EUR millions May/24  183.191  182.396  0,44  0,12  [Backdata and detail]
* Domestic (eurozone) claims on private sector, other than MFI EUR millions May/24  665.899  668.251  -0,35  0,89  [Backdata and detail]
** of which securities other than shares EUR millions May/24  145.986  148.158  -1,47  -6,80  [Backdata and detail]
* Deposits by central government EUR millions May/24  2.614  2.753  -5,05  -14,55  [Backdata]
* External position EUR millions May/24  -47.980  -50.790  -5,53  -81,02  [Backdata]
* Foreign assets (outside euro area) EUR millions May/24  244.585  251.407  -2,71  7,52  [Backdata]
* Foreign liabilities (outside euro area) EUR millions May/24  292.565  302.197  -3,19  15,19  [Backdata]
Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank              
* Base money EUR millions Jun/24  278.623  303.369  -8,16  -4,92  [Backdata and detail]
* Domestic (eurozone) claims on general government EUR millions Jun/24  117.702  124.004  -5,08  -6,33  [Backdata and detail]
* Domestic (eurozone) claims on all private sector EUR millions Jun/24  95.798  97.339  -1,58  -18,96  [Backdata and detail]
* External position EUR millions Jun/24  24.643  23.842  3,36  9,10  [Backdata and detail]
Interest rates              
* ESCB-rate for main refinancing operations percentage 2024-07-22  4,25  4,25  0,00  6,25  [Backdata]
* 3 month Belgian Treasury Bills percentage 2024-07-22      [Backdata]
* Belgian Government Bonds (benchmark, 10 year) percentage 2024-07-22  3,03  2,98  1,68  -1,62  [Backdata]
Financial soundness indicators Click on the data category title to view the Belgian FSI-page            
Stock market, BAS - price index index 1 January 1980 = 1000 2024-07-19  13.798,12  13.928,75  -0,94  11,09  [Backdata]
SDDS Data Category and Component Unit Description Observations More Info
Period and Date of Latest Data Latest Data Data for Previous Period % Change from Previous Period % Change from Same Period Last Year to Latest Period
Balance of Payments of Belgium              
* Current account (net) EUR millions Q1/24  3.101  2.215  40,00  1.355,87  [Backdata]
** Good and services (net) EUR millions Q4/2323  1.721  -4.033  -142,67  129,16  [Backdata]
*** Import of goods and services EUR millions Q4/2323  125.235  120.689  3,77  -10,06  [Backdata and detail]
*** Export of goods and services EUR millions Q4/2323  126.954  116.656  8,83  -9,32  [Backdata and detail]
** Income (net) EUR millions Q1/24  3.084  2.483  24,20  -2,03  [Backdata and detail]
** Current transfers (net) EUR millions Q1/24  -2.268  -1.987  14,14  -16,67  [Backdata and detail]
* Capital account (net) EUR millions Q1/24  161  159  1,26  -29,39  [Backdata and detail]
* Financial account and international reserves (net) EUR millions Q1/24  -319  -894  -64,32  42,73  [Backdata and detail]
International reserves              
* Gross international reserves              
** Reserve assets of the NBB USD billions Jun/24  42,7  42,9  -0,47  4,15  [Backdata]
*** Gold USD billions Jun/24  17,1  17,1  0,00  23,02  [Backdata]
*** SDR's USD billions Jun/24  14,5  14,6  -0,68  0,69  [Backdata]
*** IMF-position USD billions Jun/24  2,2  2,2  0,00  -8,33  [Backdata]
*** Foreign currencies USD billions Jun/24  8,1  8,2  -1,22  -17,35  [Backdata]
* Data template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity EUR millions Jun/24  39.817  39.508  0,78  5,43  [TEMPLATE] [Backdata]
Merchandise Trade              
* Total exports EUR millions May/24  42.297,2  42.900,6  -1,41  -1,28  [Backdata and detail]
* Total imports EUR millions May/24  39.282,3  42.595,7  -7,78  -7,62  [Backdata and detail]
Exchange Rates: EUR USD 2024-07-22  1,0888  1,089  -0,02  -2,11  [Backdata and detail]
International Investment Position              
* Assets EUR billions Q1/24  2.497  2.464  1,34  2,71  [Backdata]
** Direct investment EUR billions Q1/24  924  1.006  -8,15  -10,72  [Backdata]
** Portfolio investment EUR billions Q1/24  913  870  4,94  11,75  [Backdata]
*** Equity securities EUR billions Q1/24  535  503  6,36  15,05  [Backdata]
*** Debt securities EUR billions Q1/24  378  367  3,00  7,69  [Backdata]
** Other investment EUR billions Q1/24  621  552  12,50  15,00  [Backdata]
** Reserve assets EUR billions Q1/24  39  37  5,41  0,00  [Backdata]
* Liabilities EUR billions Q1/24  2.117  2.083  1,63  1,68  [Backdata]
** Direct investment EUR billions Q1/24  758  830  -8,67  -12,67  [Backdata]
** Portfolio investment EUR billions Q1/24  693  659  5,16  11,24  [Backdata]
*** Equity securities EUR billions Q1/24  199  198  0,51  1,02  [Backdata]
*** Debt securities EUR billions Q1/24  494  461  7,16  15,96  [Backdata]
** Other investment EUR billions Q1/24  666  594  12,12  12,69  [Backdata]
* Net EUR billions Q1/24  380  381  -0,26  8,88  [Backdata]
Gross external Debt EUR millions, end-period stock Q1/24  1.457.367  1.384.686,4  5,25  6,52  [Backdata and detail]
SDDS Data Category and Component Unit Description Observations More Info
Period and Date of Latest Data Latest Data Data for Previous Period % Change from Previous Period % Change from Same Period Last Year to Latest Period
Total population thousands 2023  11.764  11.698  0,56  n.a.  [Backdata]

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